how to shave pubic area without getting bumps

how to shave pubic area without getting bumps - Im going to tell you how you can properly shave and avoid getting razor bumps in your private area. First thing i want to talk about is using a razor to shave your pubic area. This is the old school and most commonly used way to shave. The problem with using razors is you may go from having a bush to looking like you have chicken pox and thats not a good look. Razors tend to bring about razor bumps. If this is your preferred method when it comes to shaving you may because you feel comfortable with using razors and you dont trust nothing else. Before you actually use a razors make sure you actually get you a good razor and not something cheap. Make sure you have a clean blade ever time you shave yourself because you dont want bacteria on your private area from using the same razor over and over again and dull razors may cause harm to the skin. so its probably best to use a new razor every time. 

If you have long hair down there you should get some scissors first a cut the hair down before you try to shave it to make the job easier for the shaver. Another thing is you want to shave that area after you have gotten in the shower and been in there for a while and thats because the warm water is going to open up the pours and its going to make it a little easier on you to get rid of the hair. of course you may know that using a razor only gets rid of the surface hair and does not go down into root. If you want to make sure that you dont get bumps Try exfoliating, you could try using a sea salt or an olive oil mixture with coconut milk. you could exfoliate down there with natural ingredients first to get rid of all the dead cells or any bacteria and that can help minimize the getting bumps issue. Another tip for using a razor is to shave the hair properly, you want to shave in whatever direction the hair is growing. you can set yourself up for irritation if you start off going against the grain or opposite direction of where the hair is growing. so you may want to go down first the after your first pass you can come back up.

yes you can use unscented deodorant on your private region to help minimize bumps. Another method is when you shave instead of you using shaving cream and soap which soap should definitely be a no, try using baby oil or coconut oil and make sure you use warm water. so you want warm water, baby oil like the Gel or coconut oil. some people use conditioner, but i dont think your trying to make your hair shiny down there but get rid of it. The last tip is using an electric groomer or an electric razor. when using an electric groomer wont have any aftermath in regards to razor bumps or burns and its just a lot neater and more convenient. The groomer dont even cost that much. they are like under 20 bucks. Again the electric groomer does not cause razor bumps but you will need to keep it sanitized. you want to get some alcohol after the fact and clean it up to not be infected by germs. you just want to keep it clean because the pubic area can be a mecca for bacteria. If you want to do a more extreme method then waxing will be another method, thats if you are brave enough to do it which some may not be and on top if that it can be expensive. But when you wax it last a whole lot longer. waxing get the hair from the root and makes your skin smooth and soft.  

Another method is a hair removal cream. now this method i think is a little dangerous, simply because it is a chemical. It smells like relaxer. we all know what relaxer does to your hair on the head. so imagine what it is doing to one of the most sensitive areas on your body. but again people do use it. some people may say just put it on and rinse it off then your good. I do think they make a nair bikini area cream so that may be safer then using a leg and body version, but you may create yourself a whole new problem using this. you may not get bumps but you might get burns, if you do use it just dont leave it on long. put it on and rinse it right off, and this is a chemical so make sure it does go inside your private area. so thats it for the tips, hope this was helpful, and hope the best for you on your journey.


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